1 One argument made for this position is that the Lord’s Prayer is addressed to the Father and not to the Son. I have also heard a few evangelical Christians argue that we should not pray to Jesus. It is not just Jehovah’s Witnesses that argue for only praying to the Father. He said that it was because “ Jesus is not Almighty God, and only God is to be worshipped.” Of course, I reject that reason for not praying to Jesus, as would all evangelicals, since Jesus is God. Jehovah has reserved prayer only for himself.” After the service, I asked the leader to explain why we should only pray to the Father, and not to Jesus. One of his major points was that “Jehovah has not delegated prayer to the angels or to Jesus.
That Sunday morning, a Jehovah’s Witness leader gave the Bible lesson on prayer.
Once while doing a weekend seminar on the cults, I took a few students on a field trip to a Kingdom Hall.